
The Artist

  • April 25, 2009

Ever since I was a kid, I’ve always lacked any significant amount of artistic talent in the realms of drawing, sketching, and painting. Attempting to create anything beyond a traditional stick figure has always ended up resembling more of a mess than a work of art. Thankfully there are many forms of art and having just made a random visit to the San Antonio Museum of Art, I decided to try my hand at creating something of my own. After a quick trip to Wal-Mart for a canvas, acrylic paint, and a pack of brushes, I returned home to my studio (pun intended) to create my masterpiece. While listening to “Soul Meets Body” by Death Cab for Cutie, I painted something that ended up looking like a matte grey canvas of nothing. Disappointed in the outcome I splattered paint across the result and immediately realized what I wanted. After a return trip to Wal-Mart for a fresh canvas, I set out to create my masterpiece, again. With some Audioslave rockin’ in the background this time around, I splattered red and blue paint onto my white canvas until I was satisfied with the result. Sure enough I had created an abstract work of art most likely bound for the Louvre some day. I thought about keeping the first one but decided the only way I could be considered a true artist was if I sold one of the works. Having no connections to any major museums I decided to list it on ebay where it sold a few days later for twenty-five bucks. I shipped it off to the buyer and to my surprise and delight, I soon received a thank you email and a request for a letter indicating its originality with my signature. I obliged and sent it off to the new owner, wondering what fate it would meet. Perhaps one day in the distant future when I’m exploring a gallery at some exotic locale, I will stumble upon it on display along with other great works of a similar nature.

Note: The reason that the songs are relevant is because I named the paintings after them. Don’t ask, it just sounded like a good idea at the time.