
The Cajun Adventure

  • December 16, 2012

While having dinner with Sarah’s parents one November evening, the topic of New Orleans found its way into our conversation and it was quickly revealed that I had never been before. Upon learning this, Sarah’s parents immediately started talking about all of the great restaurants that one simply must visit when they go, leading them to reminisce on the time that they themselves had spent in the city. Before I knew it, the decision was made that it had been too long since their last visit and that Sarah and I should join them for a return trip sometime soon. After glancing over a calender and recalling that I had already secured a few days off around the weekend of my birthday, we decided to use that opportunity to make our journey to Southern Louisiana.

Fortunately for us, Sarah’s mother has a wealth of knowledge about the area and took the initiative to arrange our travel itinerary so that we could maximize our time there. She organized the accomodations, scheduled our tours, and chose the best restuarants for every day that we were there. All her hard work definitely paid off and the trip ran as smooth as it possibly could.